Thursday, 23 December 2010

We Reign Supreme

And here it is... from the initial sketch to inking the artwork took me approximately 8hours to do... I am thinking this is one of the best pic's I have created in sometime... all I need now is to sort out a background!

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

We Reign Supreme!

We Reign Supreme!... this is a new image that I am currently working on... this is the first version, needs defining, more detail, inking and some background text, so along way off from being finished... but, I am liking it so far!

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Colouring in!

Just finished this pencil illustration... this too is to big for my scanner so excuse the quality of the pic... and again, question is what will I do?... ink, colour or both... umm!


I bought myself a new sketch book a while ago and I found some time to draw... excuse the pic, however, the pencil work is A3 and to big for my scanner... the question is... what will I do know... ink, colour or both... umm!

Monday, 6 December 2010

Advert for The Pure Gallery

Here's an advert I done did for The Pure Gallery to go on the back page of Turps mag...