Here is a series of 4 illustrations to be coloured and submitted to the forth coming exhibition by the Pure Gallery and Northside Tattoo's
I hope you like!
The clue’s in the question. Well, it’s not a question but you know… Something to do. Ok, the aim is to draw more and to draw more people in to draw more. Tada!
Draw More is a blog set up to bring people together who draw, doodle and sketch in Newcastle and the North East of England. We’re looking to expand the base of artists to get together and draw more, basically. Hopefully letting it grow into something beautiful with drawing jams, projects and exhibitions. Get in touch if you want to get involved, cheers!
These are great!
ReplyDeleteNot enough detailing in the rendering and some of the lines are too distinct around the features for my liking. I think the dunny/danny piece of your is best example of what you can do.